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APPLICATION - Step 1 of 10


The Goyder Education Fund (GEF) grants are non-cash. Instead you are reimbursed for education or work related expenses, or a supplier can be paid directly. Grants cover any education or work related expenses, eg text books, work equipment, petrol, transport, accommodation, computers, internet access.

Grants do not cover the cost of HECS fees or debt.

Who is eligible?

GEF grants are based on financial need, or academic success. You will need to demonstrate commitment to achieving your goal. The four essential selection criteria are:

  1. You are an Australian Citizen
  2. You have a demonstrated financial need or proven academic success
  3. You currently live in regional South Australia
  4. You are able to demonstrate commitment to achieving your goal

The grant program developed by the Foundation is aimed at offering $50,000 of support annually across three streams:

1.  Tertiary & Vocational Support

  • Tertiary – supporting accommodation for students to attend university or vocational training
  • Supporting training and requirements for vocational training including but not limited to: electricians, plumbers, boiler makers, mechanics
  • Support uses include: trade school fees, tools, equipment, accommodation and travel

2.  Primary & Secondary Support

  • Small grants programme - supporting participation by disadvantaged – school based
  • Support includes extra curricular event attendance (ie camps), uniforms, meals, books

3.  Mature Age Training Up Skilling

  • Funding to support up skilling - short courses