The Goyder Education Fund (GEF) grants are non-cash. Instead you are reimbursed for education or work related expenses, or a supplier can be paid directly. Grants cover any education or work related expenses, eg text books, work equipment, petrol, transport, accommodation, computers, internet access.
Grants do not cover the cost of HECS fees or debt.
Who is eligible?
GEF grants are based on financial need, or academic success. You will need to demonstrate commitment to achieving your goal. The four essential selection criteria are:
The grant program developed by the Foundation is aimed at offering $50,000 of support annually across three streams:
1. Tertiary & Vocational Support
2. Primary & Secondary Support
3. Mature Age Training Up Skilling
Available funds per annum - $50,000
Maximum grant per claim - $5,000
There will be one round of Tertiary accommodation and vocational support annually whilst the primary, secondary and upskilling support will be available throughout the year until annual allocated funds are consumed.
Incomplete Applications, including those that do not include all required information at the time of submission, may not be assessed.
All applications must be submitted online through the Goyder Education Foundation website.
The assessment criteria will develop recipients, individuals and organisations, who show they share the Foundation’s values and commitments to personal and community development and who demonstrate attributes, qualities and needs worthy of support.
The department will accept applications from consortia. The consortium must appoint a lead member who is authorised to act on behalf of all members of the consortium, and enter into contracts which are binding to them. The lead organisation should complete this form in consultation with the consortium. For the purposes of submitting the application all consortium members must be clearly listed; and the identity of the lead member should be clearly identified. Each party to a joint application must exist as a legal entity at the Closing Time.
Each applicant must meet all eligibility requirements as stipulated in the Grant Guidelines at the time of application. Applications will be accepted from regional South Australian individuals, organisations and communities, defined as all areas outside of the Greater Adelaide Metropolitan Area.
Please provide the following grant application information:
The grant programme developed by the Foundation is aimed at offering $50,000 of support annually across three streams as detailed below.
Supporting accommodation for students to attend university or vocational training.
Supporting training and requirements for vocational training including but not limited to: electricians, plumbers, boiler makers, mechanics.
Support uses include: trade school fees, tools, equipment, accommodation and travel.
Small grants programme- supporting participation by disadvantaged – school based.
Support includes: extra-curricular event attendance (ie camps), uniforms, meals, books
Funding to support up skilling – short courses
I, the applicant or an authorised representative, declare that:
Grant Funding Agreement
Successful applicants must agree to and sign a Grant Funding Agreement with the Goyder Education Foundation in order to receive grant funding.
Privacy Notice
The personal information on this form is collected by the Goyder Education Foundation for the purposes of administering the grants program.
The foundation may also use your personal information (and the personal information of other individuals) for secondary purposes related to the administration of the grant program, for example, to inform the future administration of other programs administered by the department.
If you do not consent to the collection of your personal information, the department will determine this Grant Application Form to be incomplete, and the department will not consider it.
If you have concerns regarding the way the department has handled your personal information, or you would like to make a complaint, please consult the Foundations Privacy Policy for further information.
Please note: applications that are incomplete and do not contain all the required information may not be assessed.
If you have any questions or require assistance filling out this application please contact the Goyer Education Foundation.